My attempt in presenting
this system to the devoted readers of this great Divine
Science is only a proof of the pudding, which I tried
to digest during my scholastic days. I am presenting my
thoughts on Jaimini briefly.
Karakas: Jaimini
introduces "Planets as Variable Karakas" such as Atma,
Amatya, Bhratru, Matru, Putra, Gnati, and Dara Karakas
represented by planets in the order of longitudes from
highest to lowest or say descending order. The planet
having the highest longitude (devoid of sign) being named
as Atmakaraka and the one with the least longitude called
Darakaraka. The rest are in between as per order indicated
Aspect: He has a
unique system of planetary aspects. Chara Rasis and grahas
posited therein aspect Sthira Rasis and the planets in
them except the one, which is adjacent. Likewise Sthira
Rasis along with the planets in them aspect Chara Rasis
and the planets posited in such Rasis except the Chara
Rasi which is twelfth to a particular Sthira Rasi. Every
Dwiswabhava Rasi aspects other three Dwiswabhava signs
and planets thereof.
Yogas: Yogas in
Jaimini system are quite different. There are ofcourse
Raja Yogas, Dhana Yogas and Arishta Yogas. These are generally
considered from the position, aspect and conjunction of
Strength:The Strength
of Planets and signs are easily ascertainable. There is
an improvised and easy method of calculating the strength
of Rasis and Grahas unlike the tedious calculations involved
in Shadbala.
Dasa System: The
Dasa System propounded by Jaimini is several and is that
of Rasis and not Grahas unlike Parasara System. Each kind
of Dasa is meant for certain specific events in one's
Argala: Planetary
aspects are modified by certain agencies called "Argala".
Planets in the 4th, 2nd, 11th & 5th house from a sign
causes "Argala" which may tend to augment or destroy the
results provided by the sign in question according as
the planet posited in the sign is a benefic or malefic
respectively. More than two malefic in the third causes
malefic argalas. These benefic or malefic Argalas are
counteracted by planets posited in the 10th, 12th, 3rd,
9th respectively to the houses mentioned above. The results
of these argalas are felt during the dasa period of the
Rasis, which have Argala.
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